Download full Russian Counter-Strike 1.6 Na'Vi

Na'Vi - Ukrainian team, which was formed in 2009.
Natus Vincere means - born to win.
Based on 2010 results, Egor "Markeloff" Markelov won the best Counter-strike 1.6 player title.
The first members of the Na'Vi team were:
Daniel "Zeus" Teslenko (Harkov);
Ivan Edward Suharjov (Harkov);
Sergey "Starix" Ischuk (Kiev);
Arseniy "ceh9" Trinozhenko (Lvov);
Egor Markeloff Markelov (Dnipropetrovsk).
The cs 1.6 Na'Vi game collection is carefully tailored for the game.
Na'vi assembly is original, Counter Strike 1.6 is without any modifications.
On our site you can download CS 1.6 Na'Vi with the official assembly of Natus Vincere.
Counter-strike 1.6 Na'Vi is an exclusive collection because it includes all the details including stylish design and full player client protection.
The team of Natus Vincere or Na'Vi knows everyone, and if they do not know, they've heard about it at least once.
Now, each player can find the right set of cs 1.6 Na'Vi , which could not have been so easy to find.
The game is well balanced, so that the game on the CS servers runs without fringes and with a stable FPS.
Playing cs 1.6 Na'Vi , you will feel all the characteristics that it brings in the game.
Do not miss the opportunity to download the full Russian Cs 1.6 Na'Vi.
Game features:
Protocol 48;
Non Steam patch version 44 (Orange Box);
Several types of red and blue players in the Na'Vi style;
Na'Vi style gloves;
Na'Vi style game menu;
File protection against hacking, modification, rewriting and adding advertising;
Many game servers that are updated;
Works with all Windows OS;
The game is in full russian language.